Specialist in industrial sawing technologies for hardwood and softwood sawmills, LBL BRENTA offers a complete range of log bandsaws and efficient edging solutions.
A detailed understanding of the specific needs of your operation enables our project team to offer a made-to-measure solution based on engineering and consultancy capabilities, from design to start-up. We are committed to provide the best customer service to ensure our customer satisfaction.

Main solutions
LIGNA 2025
Du 26 ou 30 mai 2025
L'équipe LBL Brenta est sur le pont pour vous accueillir à ...
Les scieries artisanales françaises
Les scieries artisanales françaises et LBL BRENTA, un partenariat de toujours !
Nolot Vosges
CDR 250 en partenariat avec Microtec
Installation d'un système de délignage polyvalent CDR 250 à la scierie ...
Renowned specialists in primary wood processing for hardwood and softwood sawmills, LBL BRENTA support you to build and install your customized sawmill. We are striving to meet the needs of the market and the requirements of our users. We offer a complete range of log bandsaws and flexible edging solutions.
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